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Canada is what the Unites States could be if we were more Liberal
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  • TKDBTKDB 187 Pts

    Where is your legitimate evidence to support this individual philosophical statement from you? 

    "this society is about to self destruct"
  • @MayCaesar if we were a democracy our society would be better in almost every way, this society is about to self destruct
    Speak for yourself. For hundreds millions Americans, the life in the US is better than it has ever been. For you, maybe not, but that is likely caused by the personal factors, such as the inability to produce a more-or-less coherent comment. You are not going to achieve great success in life when even basic writing skills are beyond you.
  • @MayCaesar how is it good? objectively canada has better outcomes
    The passion for destruction is also a creative passion. Mikhail Bakunin

  • @billbatard

    "Better" is an inherently subjective category. 

    Neither Canadians nor Americans seem to agree with your assessment. 45,000 Canadians move to the US each year, while only 7,500 Americans move to Canada - and that is given that the Canadian population is a bit over 1/10th of the US population.

    If Canada had better outcomes from the people's perspective, then more Americans per capita would move there than the other way around. Not 52 times less.
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